Work Orders Can Work Wonders For Your Business

Facility Management word cloud, business conceptIncrease Internal Efficiency & External Results With Work Orders

When a business is just getting started, delegating tasks, tracking their progress, and ensuring their completion is relatively easy. If you have a one or two person team, communication is straightforward and little gets lost in translation.

As a business grows, however, its processes necessarily become more complex. Take, for example, a property manager. If you started out in a building with a handful of units, you probably did not need to automate communication to your tenants. As you move up, though, you would need to communicate action items to your staff, who would then communicate to your tenants. With more links in the chain, there is more room for error.

Unless you implement a system. By utilizing work orders, you and your team are able to get projects started while capturing the parameters of each project, including any special instructions and due dates, in a very straightforward manner. Then, because each task is captured in a work order, you are able to track it as it progresses, keeping an eye on workflow.

Other work order benefits include ensuring no work slips through the cracks, schedules are coordinate, hiring needs are foreseen in advance, internal communications are clarified, and inventory is maintained in accordance with demand. Ultimately, work orders increase internal efficiency and ensure external results, helping you do more work with less money by avoiding forgotten customers or duplication of efforts.

Is your business utilizing work orders to help you on the path to success? To learn about software solutions that can help you do just that, contact Landport Systems. Our team is dedicated to serving your business, helping you automate more of your processes to see more results with less effort. For all of your California management software needs, do not hesitate to get in touch with us!