What Customers are Saying About Landport

"TESTIMONIALS" (speech bubbles balloons user satisfaction like)

One of the best ways to know if a company is worth doing business with is to ask existing customers. It facilitates an unbiased opinion of the company, while still providing important information about how well the company delivers. Landport Systems has been reviewed by many customers over more than a decade, who continually offer praise for the company and all it does. Check out these reviews when looking into doing business with Landport:

Borelli Investment Company in San Jose, California is the first property management firm in Silicon Valley to offer on-line work order management services directly to clients, and has benefitted from the “improved communication” that has been “facilitated by Landport,” which helps the “dramatically improve the services” provided by Borelli.

The Office of the President at the University of California in Oakland, California comments on how “the exceptional automation Landport delivers enables [them] to fulfill one of [their] most important facilities mandates: ‘higher efficiency at lower cost.’”

TriGate, Inc. in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania manages over 23 buildings that house more than 130 tenants, and uses Landport as a “tool to streamline [their] maintenance service.” They go on to say that “Landport is great with [their] in-house maintenance staff, as well as [their] outside vendors.”

Landport was able to help Hayward Unified School District in California streamline the communication “between district employees, managers, and [their] maintenance shops,” which significantly reduced costs and improved their services.

SunTrust Plaza in Atlanta, Georgia uses all “the bells and whistles” provided by Landport to create “an integrated management system” that incorporates smart phones, which are used to track, distribute, record, and inform all of the “involved parties of the exact status of the progress of all service requests at SunTrust Plaza.”

If you are looking for ways to help streamline your business and provide better communication throughout your organization, contact Landport Systems.