The Summer Essentials of Preventative Maintenance

Managing Property Management Orders

Maintenance tasks prevent an influx of maintenance orders. As we roll into August, which represents the tail end of summer and the hottest part of the year, there are a few maintenance items that you should keep in mind to make sure that your properties are running at peak performance. As the property maintenance orders…

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How to Start Assessing Your Security Needs

security property walnut creek ca

The risk of your building or service may be higher than you think! Protecting buildings from risks such as theft, loitering, vandalism, rioting, and workplace violence comes with a variety of unique challenges and can take a lot of forethought, planning, and creativity. Whether you’re looking to secure your property, building, service, or more, read…

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Upkeep Essentials For Your Property

Property Maintenance 101 Being responsible for the upkeep of a property, no matter the size, is a huge responsibility. Making sure that it is properly maintained can help you save money while also ensuring that you do not run into any much more serious issues. Keep these tips in mind to help make sure that…

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Let Landport Help Your Business!

What We Can Do For You Are you looking for a way to save money on your labor costs while increasing your efficiency and improving the services that you are able to provide? Let Landport Systems help! We offer the best in property and facilities management software to help you reach and exceed your goals,…

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Start The New Year Off Right With These Tips

New Year Facility Manager Resolutions As 2015 kicks off, it is the perfect time to make resolutions that can help benefit your professional life. As a facility manager, both employees and tenants look to you to fix any issues that arise. Keep these resolutions in mind to ensure that you are able to excel at…

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Facilities Operations and Maintenance 101

Hospital and Healthcare Facility Management

Facility operations and maintenance is a simple way of encompassing all that happens on your property each day. It includes all services that are required to make sure that your buildings and equipment are in good working order and properly perform all the functions they’re designed for. These services can include everything from routine daily…

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Preventive Maintenance 101

Preventive Maintenance is a vitally important component of property and facility management. Overlooking, minimizing or ignoring it can result in unexpected breakdowns, e.g., of important equipment, pre-mature wear and tear, and catastrophic failure, all of which can be costly and impact the bottom line. Landport advocates taking a “Best Practices” approach to Preventive Maintenance, ensuring…

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