What is the Work Order Process?

Work Order Process Basics Work orders are one of the most important aspects of your business. If you do not have the proper work order processes in place, it can lead to your employees wasting hours each day. Developing the right work order method starts with designing a basic maintenance management process. There are six…

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How Much Does Your Work Order Cost?

Actual Cost of Work Orders Do you know how much your work orders are really costing your organization? Unfortunately, it is probably more than you would like to admit. While you cannot completely get rid of your work order process, there are ways to help cut the costs while also making your organization more efficient…

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The Benefits of the Cloud

Most new software technology and apps being rolled out these day are Cloud-based. Not only does the Cloud offer ease of access, independent of where the user is located, but itโ€™s also the perfect platform for storing important data. There are many benefits of operating in the Cloud: Accessibility: You can access the Cloud with…

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