Simple Tips to Save on Your Energy Bills

Facility Management Tips Your energy bills are most likely one of your highest expenses at your facility, which can make it very difficult to stick to your budget. While there is no way to completely eliminate all of your energy costs, there are steps that you can take to keep the cost as low as…

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Who Can Benefit From Landport Services?

Various Positions That Can Use Landport to Their Advantage Every business is always looking for ways to be more efficient. The more efficient your business is, the more money you can save and the more customers you can take on. The unique work order and preventive maintenance software that is provided by Landport Systems can…

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Creating a Bird Free Property

Tips to Keep Birds Away As the weather continues to warm up for spring, you may be seeing more and more birds flying around your building. While this is great news for bird enthusiasts, it can mean disaster for your building. Not only can birds cause serious damage to your building, but they can carry…

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Let Your Tenants Reach Your Environmental Performance Goals

Environmental Building Performance Goals While setting environmental building performance goals is a great way to help your property be a little more green, your tenants may be keeping you from reaching your goal. While this does not mean that you have bad tenants, it does mean that you will have to work a little bit…

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Helping Your Facility Managers Go Green

Eco-Friendly Accreditations Going green is much more than a trend, it is becoming a way of life. With the prevalence of eco-friendly cars and greener building materials hitting the market, it is becoming easier than ever to get a green label or certification as a facility manager. While looking to get your green certifications for…

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Preparing For a Disaster at Your Property

Disaster Preparedness Tips A disaster can strike with little to no warning, and can mean complete destruction to your building. Knowing how to properly prepare for any disaster can help to ensure that your building and tenants stay safe during a disaster. Keep these disaster preparedness tips in mind to be ready for any tragedy.…

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Saving Time and Money With Property Management

Property Management 101 You have probably heard the expression โ€œtime is money,โ€ and if you own a property, you probably know just how true it is. When looking for the right property management company to help your property run smoothly, it is important to keep in mind that not every company is built the same,…

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Create a More Efficient and Organized Company

Tips To Enhance Your Business Is your organization as efficient as it could be? Having a proficient business will not only allow everything to run smoothly, but it will also help you to save money. If you have a system that doesnโ€™t seem to be working, it could lead to the failure of your entire…

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Is Your Building Ready for El Nino?

Californian property management El Nino Walnut Creek CA

Business owners should prepare their property now! While Walnut Creek, California is still warm and sunny for the winter season, be warned that it is not set to continue. El Nino is coming to California and soon! The predicted forecast is due to be reminiscent of the El Nino winters of before. The โ€™96-โ€™97 winters…

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How Efficient is Your Rooftop Unit?

Rooftop Unit Efficiency Advice Walnut Creek CA

Get to know how to save on your rooftop unit! Rooftop unit (RTU) air conditioners serve cooling to approximately 60 percent of U.S. commercial building floor spaces. With many (if not most) buildings in Southern California being host to one of these units to survive the sweltering summers, now that the winter season is upon…

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