Looking for Work Order Management System?

For all business owners, check out this system!

As a business owner, you want to make the most out of your time and management. If you could do all of this in one system, wouldn’t you? If you wouldn’t, why not? Landport Systems is a pioneer and market leader in on-line work order management. Our Internet Driven system fully automates employee, tenant, resident, facility manager, property manager, and maintenance staff communications which significantly reduces labor costs, increases efficiency, and improves service. In short, this benefits your business, streamlines your processes, and frees up your communication time!

Landport provides plenty of services as in the management system. It allows managers to receive online requests from users, to dispatch work orders to maintenance staff and more, all without the use of software to install, support and constantly update. We strive for a seamless process of use, non-disruptive deployment to secure you with full management all within a matter of hours! In addition, you are guaranteed business support, technical support, and workflow consulting.

If you’re a property manager, building manager, service provider, or someone who needs multiple lines of communications within one nifty management solution, Landport is for you! Contact us in Walnut Creek, California today to get started!