Keep Winter Pests Out of Your Buildings

Prevent unwanted house guests in your buildings over winter!

Many critters seek to find food and shelter over the winter as the weather turns cooler and the food sources become scarce. As it turns out, the prime location to fulfil all of their needs is your building! Whether it’s the lobby, basement garage, attic, or the tenants’ apartments, you are likely to see an influx in unwelcome household critters over the next few months.

Luckily, there are some things you can do to make it tough for them to enter and to encourage them to leave if they’ve already set up camp!

Inspect the exterior of the property to examine easy access points like pipes and air conditioner lines. Fill cracks with caulk, steel wool, and seal openings around window frames and doors, repair damaged window screens.

Prune shrubbery and tree branches so that they are at least 6 to 8 feet from your roofline. Store firewood at least 20 feet away from the building so it doesn’t attract carpenter ants and termites.

Keep trash in secure containers that wildlife can’t get open or into! Educate your tenants to empty their bins daily, clean dirty dishes, and alert the management to openings in walls or faucet drips that require repair.

Contact a pest professional if you do encounter wildlife on your property.

Utilize these methods for winter pest prevention! For more information on how to streamline your business processes and keep your building secure through winter, contact Landport Systems in Walnut Creek, California.