Facilities Operations and Maintenance 101


Facility operations and maintenance is a simple way of encompassing all that happens on your property each day. It includes all services that are required to make sure that your buildings and equipment are in good working order and properly perform all the functions they’re designed for. These services can include everything from routine daily inspection, monitoring, filter changes, lubrication, to regular scheduled maintenance check-ups. The two areas of operations and maintenance typically go hand-in-hand, and demand both attention to detail and a high level of organization. Accurately record keeping is essential.

All property systems and equipment must be properly maintained by the maintenance team to ensure that they operate to their full potential. Part of the maintenance teams’ responsibilities includes Preventative Maintenance performed on a regular, fixed schedule, to ensure that equipment does not fail unexpectedly or prematurely. There’s nothing worse than major building equipment failure at the most inopportune time.

Also, the maintenance team should have the ability to deal with specific service calls, for instance, if a room is too hot or if the water is not working in one part of the building, without delay. Keeping building occupants apprised of the status of repairs in real time is key.

Contact Landport Systems for all of your facility operations and maintenance needs. Our specially designed, cloud-based work order and preventative maintenance software allows all of your employees to access any problems or work orders from wherever they may be! This proven solution will help you resolve problems faster and improve the workflow of your property. Give us a call, today!