The Benefits of Effective Work Management!

Pros of Work Management Process

Business process management can drive your company into success. It’s important to note that an effective work management system is essential for any growing and reliable business. It can be as simple as defining unclear processes and continually looking for areas of improvement and making changes or as complex as a complete business process re-engineering…

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Simple Ways to Boost Your Cellphone Reception

Ways to Boost Your Cellphone Reception

Use these tips to better your signal. Do you find yourself straining (literally) to reach good signal on your phone? Searching for a mobile phone signal can be a frustrating necessity, especially for the many people who struggle to get decent reception in their own homes. Poor signal strength could be your carrier’s fault, or…

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Live Life Like One Long Vacation with These Tips!

Live on Life Like One Long Vacation

Use these tips to make life feel like a long vacation. Whether you’re stressed, burnt out, or just in desperate need for a getaway, turning your life into a long vacation is the best way to get away without getting away. Sometimes, us mere mortals can’t get the time off work, afford the trip or…

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Are There Security Threats in the Internet of Things for Property Managers?

Mobile Tech is Shifting the Building Management Process

Find out threats that your business can face and how to protect it! In building management, one of the biggest recent developments is the integration of mobile technology. The past decade has seen tremendous gains in technology with web-based systems, powerful hardware, and sophisticated software. The evolution of connected devices as nodes on the Internet…

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6 Reasons to Stretch More Often!

Why We Should Stretch

Stretching is not just for yawning. It can benefit your health! While most of us don’t think of stretching as a necessary health task, it has been proven to be a small task with major benefits. For many wanting to get into shape, hopping on the treadmill for an hour then leaving the gym promptly…

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How Mobile Tech Is Changing Building Management Processes

Mobile Tech Shifting Building Management Process

There are major benefits to updated technology processes for building managers. Some time ago, project management was represented by three things: a pencil, a piece of paper, and a methodology. Fortunately, time flies and technology evolves and finally, the latest tech has come to the industry of building management. Now, the tools a facility owner…

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Simplify Your Request Processes with Work Management Software

Simplify Your Request Process With Work Management Software

Eliminate lengthy and confusing processes in your business management. As a building manager or a facility owner, you may realize that the plethora of your request processes can be time-consuming. Of course, requests and approvals are necessary business elements that cannot be overlooked! Luckily, you can receive sufficient aid with work management software to maintain…

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Wave Goodbye to Work Worries During Stress Awareness Month

Stress Awareness Month

Use these top tips to combat your stress during April’s Stress Awareness Month! During this fast-paced, laser-focused age of juggling work, family, friends, and errands, much of the general public are not winding down. April, nationally known as Stress Awareness Month, is dedicated to shining a light on how stress can be detrimental to people’s…

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How Are You Managing Your Facilities Energy?

How Are You Managing Your Facilities Energy?

Use these top tips to cut down your facility energy costs! Running a facility is no walk in the park. There are standards to be held, a building to be maintained, and costs to be dealt with. Fortunately, as a facility manager you don’t have to watch your income be siphoned by energy bills. If…

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Are You Getting Enough Out of Your Facility Management Software?

Facility Management Software Walnut Creek CA

What you need to look for in your facility management software. Most of us remember the days of paper work orders. Those days are long gone and today, software offers us some pretty amazing ways of getting work orders filled out and delivered instantly! A Brief History of Work Order Software Computer-Aided Facility Management (CAFM)…

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